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Background And Early Life

Sahra Wagenknecht: A Rising Star in German Politics

Background and Early Life

Sahra Wagenknecht, born Sarah Wagenknecht in 1969, is a prominent German politician who has made a significant impact on the political landscape. Born in Jena, East Germany, to a German mother and Iranian father, Wagenknecht has been a vocal advocate for social and economic justice throughout her career.

Political Career

Wagenknecht rose to prominence as a member of the Left Party (Die Linke), where she served as deputy chairwoman from 2012 to 2015. During her time in the party, she became known for her sharp wit and incisive political commentary, earning her the nickname "the Left's shooting star."

New Party: Aufstehen

In 2018, Wagenknecht co-founded a new political party called Aufstehen ("Stand Up"). The party's platform focuses on cultural conservative issues, including opposition to immigration and the perceived erosion of traditional German values.

Cultural Conservative Appeal

Wagenknecht's Aufstehen party has attracted support from voters who feel disenfranchised by mainstream political parties. Wagenknecht has skillfully tapped into a sentiment of cultural alienation and anxiety, offering a voice to those who feel their concerns are being ignored.


Wagenknecht has been a controversial figure throughout her career. Her outspoken views on immigration and Islam have drawn both praise and criticism. Some have accused her of pandering to far-right sentiments and harming the Left Party's credibility.

Rejection of Criticism

Wagenknecht has defended her interventions, arguing that she is simply representing the concerns of ordinary Germans. She rejects the charge that her actions are damaging to Die Linke, claiming that she is offering a fresh and relevant alternative to the party's traditional approach.


Sahra Wagenknecht remains a powerful and influential force in German politics. Her ability to connect with disaffected voters and articulate their concerns has made her a major player in the country's political landscape. It remains to be seen whether her new party will be able to sustain its appeal and become a significant force in German politics.
